Diagnostika v ajurvedi – delavnica z dr. Prerak Shah

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Dr. Prerak ShahDiagnostika v ajurvedi vključuje tri delni pregled – darshana, sparsha, prashna – vizuelni pregled, otip in spraševanje klienta. Ob tem se ugotovi vzrok nastanka bolezni, kar lahko naknadno izločimo in celostno delujemo.

Ajurvedski zdravnik, dr. Prerak Shah je ponovno pri nas in nam bo razkril skrivnosti ajurvedske diagnostike. Z nami bo delil več desetletne izkušnje, ki jih je prodobil na svoji ajurvedski kliniki v Indiji.

Delavnica je namenjena ajurvedskim svetovalcem, študentom šole ajurvede in joge ter medicinskemu osebju, ki bi si želelo razširiti medicinsko znanje s področja ajurvede.

Delavnica bo potekala v angleškem jeziku in je organizirana v sodelovanju s hrvaškimi ajurvedskimi kolegi in bo potekala v Zagrebu.


27. junij, 2018 – 9:00 – 17:00

Dopoldan – Kako opravimo pregled (darshana, sparshana and prsahnan) ter praktična vaja med udeleženci

Popoldan – Pulzna diagnostika (nadi pariksha – uvod)
28. junij, 2018 – 9:00 – 17:00

Dopoldan – dosha, dhatu, mala, agni in aama – vruddhi in kshaya simptomi

Popoldan – Praksa pulzne diagnostike in diskusija

29. junij, 2018 – 9:00 – 17:00

Dopoldan – domače rešitve in hrana za redukcijo (langhana) in gradnjo (bramhana) oz. recepti za hrano za posamezne bolezni artiritis, zaprtje, alergije, kožne težave,…
Popoldan – praksa s pacienti, pregled ter pulzna diagnostika, praksa med udeleženci

30. junij, 2018 – 9:00 – 17:00

Dopoldan – Basti, Virechana, Nasya metode in praktična uporaba
Popoldan – praksa s pacienti, pregled ter pulzna diagnostika

Kraj in cena

Delavnice se bodo odvijale v Zagrebu, Hrvaška na naslovu Šenoina 12.

Cena na osebo s kosilom in čajem znaša 450 eur.

Rezervacije in informacije

Za rezervacije in dodatne informacije pokličite na + 386 (40) 613 963 ali pišite na [email protected]

Dr. Prerak Shah

Dr. Prerak Shah is an international lecturer on the treatment of various topics such as the Management of Diabetes, Allergies, Beauty and Stress Management using Ayurvedic medicine and Panchkarma therapy. He was invited to visit Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Austria, UK, Spain, Morocco, Holland, France, Italy, Greece, Canada and Venezuela for Ayurveda promotional activities; such as lectures, workshop and counseling. He has proven success-treating patients of varying age, ethnic and cultural backgrounds. He was invited to deliver a lecture on Ayurveda by Vienna International Center (VIC) at United Nations Headquarter (UNO), Vienna on 25th May 2005.

He is the pioneer in the state to draw foreign patients for Ayurveda treatments through Internet. Also his efforts now made it possible to draw foreign students in this state for further practical training in the field of Ayurveda. He is conducting several training courses under Ayulink Education for overseas students for practical training in the field of Ayurveda and Panchkarma since 1996. Students from USA, UK, Switzerland have participated in this course till today. He is promoting his brand AYULINK for teaching training, treatment and trading by professional tie-up with institutes in overseas countries.

He is associated with small and big ayurveda institutes, clinics or centres, as well he serves Ayurveda Hotels, Spa and Resorts as consultant. These days he is serving as ayurveda consultant with two Five Star Hotels in Europe. He is pioneer to promote Ayurveda Tourism in the Gujarat State, and having first of its kind agreement with a Caracas based, Latin American Company for the purpose.

As pharmaceutical consultant with special interest in research and development of natural, herb-based health products for nutritional and cosmetic purposes, he is involved in exports (Ayulink Food Products) and Clinical Research – Human Clinical Trails (Ayulink Clinical Research).

He is working with several national and international NGOs. He has also been involved in projects related to Ayurvedic clinics and hospitals..

He has been invited as chair to the session, expert panel member, coordinator or chief speaker to several regional, national or international workshops/ seminars.

Mass Media Interviews:
He has been interviewed by International TV channel, International Radio stations – 6 times, National/ Regional TV channels – 8 times, National/ Regional Radio stations – 12 times and by leading dailies and periodicals more then 40 times.

Since May 2008, he is a column writer in leading Gujarati News paper ‘Divya Bhaskar’. His weekly column ‘Panchmo Ved’ (Fifth Veda) ,on ayurveda subjects, publish every Wednesday.

He is writer of several technical books on ayurveda subjects in different languages (Gujarati, Hindi and English). His book on Panchkarma is translated and published in Italian language too.

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